The Crystal of the Day for Friday 15 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Friday 15 November 2013 is Faery/Fairy Frost Crystal (aka Devic Crystal). Configuration: Wisps, veils and internal fractures that look like frost inside a crystal. They are divination crystals, and personal talismans. They are used in meditation to connect to the spiritual world. They are able to serve as receivers and transmitters to the higher planes of the spirit world.

Faery/Fairy Frost crystals have been found to be an excellent meditation crystal if it is large enough.

Metaphysical Properties Lore: Touched by Faeries, that’s the feeling these crystals have. This touch brings energies of communication, with nature, nature spirits, and spirits of the elements, for learning from these beings. Faery/Fairy Frost Crystals can also help us be closer to nature and to care for Mother Earth and the natural world around us. These crystals can promote universal love and open hearts.

The Crystal of the Day for Friday 8 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Friday 8 November 2013 is Kinoite. Kinoite is a stone of communication of higher truth. It is used to avoid and eliminate delusions and self-limiting concepts. It is also excellent for bringing psychic abilities into the realm of easy communication, so that psychic information can be imparted with a gentle but firm voice of truth. Kinoite is excellent for channeling from other dimensions and spaces. As such with these energies, Kinoite is said to especially enhance the first bloom of spirituality in one.

Kinoite consists of drusy apophyllite and its locality is Christmas Mine, Gila County, Arizona.

Physically, Kinoite is used in crystal healing and folk healing for teeth, throat, nerves, calming, and increasing stamina. Kinoite is related primarily to the throat chakra, but also associated somewhat with the third eye chakra.

The Crystal of the Day for Wednesday 6 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Wednesday 6 November 2013 is Hemimorphite. Hemimorphite is an empathy stone and it aids in communication of inner feelings toward healing unhealthy or damaged relationships. It is also used to encourage compassion, develop the ability to connect with the ‘other side’ and angelic beings, increases psychic or vision abilities, develops inner strength, and is excellent for energy in completing projects through to the end.

Healers use this stone to relieve PMS, achieve balance during hormonal-related headaches and other maladies, weight loss, ulcer conditions.

Colour: Blue with White
Element: Storm element
Energies: Healing, Power, Love
Chakras: Heart, Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Solar Plexus

The Crystal of the Day for Tuesday 5 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Tuesday 5 November 2013 is Girasol Quartz aka Girasol Opal. Girasol Quartz (also called girasol opal) is a very ancient mineral found in Madagascar and has powerful energies. This stone can help you feel calm, relaxed, hopeful and optimistic. Girasol can also amplify your ability to be creative, thoughtful and focused in your life. Girasol Quartz brings a sense of balance to the emotions that can increase control over impulsive behaviour. This ability to be in control of your feelings empowers you to clearly think things through and just say no to hasty choices we sometimes regret later.

Metaphysically, girasol is a stone of gentle but powerful energy that can enhance and clarify feelings (especially those connected to love and passion), and allows the bearer to look deep within themselves for true feelings. Girasol is an excellent mineral tool for visualisation, dream paths, and guided direction of energy (such as Reiki). Girasol metaphysically enhances communication and will help the user to speak thoughts that otherwise might be difficult to express. It enhances creativity in artists and business people, and it is a powerful healing stone that firmly yet gently enhances healing of spiritual, emotional and physical wounds. Girasol’s unique capability allows it to connect to a user’s energy, cleanse it and circulate it so that self-healing becomes possible and the user is less dependent on outside energy stimulation. Girasol supports specific healing processes for diabetes, immune system imbalances, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Girasol is not recommended for crystal layouts, but rather it is recommended that the stone be held by the user to establish the energy connection. This stone is commonly used by healers prior to a healing session to encourage energy flow and healing in clients who are particularly blocked. It is also used effectively in distance healing techniques such as those applied by Reiki practitioners.

Colour: Milky white
Energies: Power, Creativity, Calmness

The Crystal of the Day for Friday 1 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Friday 1 November 2013 is Yttrium Fluorite. Yttrium Fluorite is a powerful high crystal energy stone that aids both mystical and spiritual growth. This is a rare stone that is also called Lavender Fluorite. This beautiful high frequency stone will help you with developing your intuition, as well as promoting the growth of a range of psychic abilities. It is a high vibration stone that will help you when your psychic gifts are expanding, as it has an amazing energy to assist psychic and spiritual growth. It is rare and unlike other types of fluorite, it commonly forms in masses rather than in crystals.

It is a powerful stone to use at the crown chakra, soul star chakra and higher transpersonal chakras. It aids your mind to be better organised, and this helps you when you are making a spiritual connection. This high crystal energy stone has strong metaphysical properties. These attributes promote insight and aid greater proficiency when using your specific personal abilities. Yttrium Fluorite elevates your on-going spiritual growth in a variety of ways.

If you wish to increase your psychic powers and to develop your intuition this is an excellent stone to utilise. It is especially good for people who wish to work as a medium or in the field of psychic counseling. Mediums who channel spirit and have used this stone validate its strong ability to strengthen your capability and expertise when using these gifts.

Its energy gives you a strong ability to strengthen your connection to your higher self and to spirit, when making the connection to contact those on the other side of the veil. It aids the development of clearer psychic visions and clairvoyant abilities, as well developing stronger psychic knowing. This psychic gift is closely related to automatic writing, which can be developed by daily writing in a journal. By doing journaling every day this may allow you to receive written communication directly from spirit.

Yttrium Fluorite creates calmness and serenity with a gentle yet quite profound vibration. It resonates strongly at both the heart chakra and within the higher heart chakra, also known as the thymus chakra.

Yttrium Fluorite may assist you to channel spirit, and can help you to contact your spirit guide. It may aid you if you are a psychic reader as it brings through an amazing connection to the higher chakras. When holding the stone it brings greater clarity to psychic visions, commonly called clairvoyant abilities.

It is also said to promote an increase in your ability to manifest, especially an increase in personal wealth, and they may help you to manifest money. By using one of these lovely lavender stones you may empower your life and as you unlock your imagination you can use these gifts to manifest those things that you desire. This is partly because it is so stimulating to the mind as well as to the imagination.

It has the potential to make you quite ungrounded after only a few minutes use so using it with a Black Tourmaline, Black Andradite Garnet, Axinite or other spiritual grounding stone is advisable. Some specific high vibration stones that you might use with this stone could be Tremolite, Danburite, Herderite, Moldavite, Natrolite, White Azeztulite and Phenacite. If you are wish to accelerate your gifts of psychic visions or clairvoyance, stones such as Magnesite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst Crystals, Shattuckite, Ascension Stones and Labradorite will benefit by being used with it. To aid its mystical qualities combine it with Chalcopyrite or Tremolite.

The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 31 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 31 October 2013 is Dumortierite. Dumortierite is a stone that teaches you to stand up for yourself. It will help you to take control of your own life and increase your level of patience. This crystal is very stimulating to the brain and brings enhanced intellectual abilities as it assists with all mental skills, both mathematical and language based. It is highly stimulating to the pineal gland located behind the third eye in the forehead. If you have the potential to develop psychic powers, it is a powerful stone to amplify many psychic gifts.

These stones will aid you if you work in psychic employment, including if you work in the astrology field, or are a tarot reader. Your accuracy, in your interpretation of the information that you receive from the Divine mind is aided by this stone. They help you to stabilise your emotions, and this is helpful as these stones can create a large degree of change. If you are willing to work with the change, these crystals bring many gifts to you. They will also assist you to be patient which is always an asset especially if you work with the public.

It is primarily a stone of the third eye chakra but it will also have a beneficial effect within the crown chakra and the throat chakra. The pineal gland is located within the third eye chakra and is located behind the middle of the forehead. It is this area, the origin of psychic ability, that is highly stimulated by the use of this stone.

Hold them in your hand when you do a psychic meditation, as natural crystals of Dumortierite have a strong frequency that may assist you to hear the voice of the Divine and may aid you with mental telepathy or the ability to hear the thoughts of others. Dumortierite’s vibration is quite obvious, and if you are already using your psychic powers they will enhance these quite quickly with regular use.

Through its action in the throat chakra, you gain elevated abilities to communicate more clearly and this stone’s energy may aid your psychic communication abilities. Using these lovely blue stones may bring through past life visions, as well as enhancing most psychic skills.

This crystal also has an extraordinary capacity to help you to acquire many psychic gifts. This includes most of the best known ones, such as psychometry, clairvoyant abilities, clairaudience and developing intuition. It will also assist you to develop some of the less well known psychic powers, including prophetic vision, psychic knowing, channelling, automatic writing and psychokinesis.

This stone is also a stone for helping those of you with addictions, to more easily work through the issues involved. It will help you with problems of addictions by highlighting the patterns in your current life that underlie why you have these addictions. By keeping a piece of Dumortierite under your pillow at night, this will be an effective way to get the stones energy to work with you for a long period of your day. Alternatively (or as well) you may prefer to wear it during the day. Just keep it within your aura to gain the most from its unique vibration.

These powerful blue stones are on the Zodiac Birthstones list. They make beautiful crystal jewelry, and as they are a Virgo birthstone you should be able to buy jewelry made from these stones, although they are not as common as some stones. The best type to wear would be pendants and earrings or Dumortierite stone bead necklaces. If you wear it as close as possible to the chakra that it vibrates to the most, and the area you want to develop, this will aid you the most.

It is reasonably easy to buy these stones, so if you want, put a tumblestone of blue Dumortierite in your pocket so that you keep the energy of it working on you all day.

There are some stones that are both grounding and psychic protection stones and keeping one of these on you is important when you are working with your psychic gifts. Black Tourmaline, Sugilite, Amber and Amethyst Crystals are all highly recommended for this purpose and may also aid you in other ways.

If you combine Dumortierite with Iolite Stones, Sugilite, Purple Amethyst Crystals, Unakite, Hematite Crystals, Staurolite or Dravite aka Brown Tourmaline, in any combination, it will be effective in helping you to beat addictions.

Combining this stone with Blue Sapphire or Azurite Stone will aid mental capacity. It will help you to restructure your DNA when combined with Green Prehnite and Golden Rutilated Quartz.

Phenacite and White Azeztulite are two of the high crystal energy stones that are beneficial to combine with this stone.

Lapis Lazuli Stones, Lazulite and Arfvedsonite are blue crystals that are also third eye chakra stones and are effective in combination with this stone to deepen psychic abilities.

Used in meditation with Vanadinite or with Que Sera Crystals it may aid you to get answers about how to utilise your psychic gifts.

Septaria stones will also aid you in this area as they are also excellent aids for psychic protection.

It is beneficial to combine it with other stones that help to enhance your willpower including Libyan Desert Glass, Sardonyx, Iron Pyrite, Preseli Bluestone, Carnelian and Pietersite.

If you are doing spiritual development work you can become ungrounded. It is a good idea to regularly do spiritual grounding to make sure that you keep yourself healthy. Take preventative actions regularly such as doing a grounding meditation into the earth star chakra.

Birthstone: Virgo
Energies: Psychic power, clairvoyance, intuition
Element: Wind Element
Chakras: Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra

Crystal of the Day for Monday 28 October 2013


Crystal of the Day for Monday 28 October 2013 is Astrophyllite. Astrophyllite is an energetically potent stone that infuses your entire system with light. Its strong metaphysical properties for transformation assist you to recognise your purpose for being here as it illuminates your true self. This crystal may aid you to truly love yourself, and help you to come to terms with any actions in your past that you may have difficulty fully accepting.

This stone is a stone of moving forward quickly on your life journey, and it may assist you to find your true path. Its vibration may illuminate your true self, the inner you, and make you aware of those things within yourself that you need to take action on. These are storm element stones, which means they have a strong element of transformation within them.

The electro-magnetic vibrations of the energy emitted, encompasses the energy of the highest vibration to the lowest and will energise each of the chakras, as specifically required by that chakra. This is in alignment with the souls purpose, so is safe for anyone to use Astrophyllite. This stone works within all chakras, as it will connect the eighth chakra, commonly called the “soul star chakra” with the “earth star chakra”. This connection between these two chakras, will activate, stimulate and align the entire chakra system, as white light flows from one end to the other.

Its energy at the third eye chakra, crown chakra and soul star chakra is powerful, particularly for those individuals who are new to chakra meditation.

This is a stone of psychic protection, and helps you to navigate out of body journeys with safety. If you have psychic powers this stone will enhance your telepathic gifts, to allow for more accurate delivery of information from the higher realms.

Energies: love, transformation, psychic protection, protection, astral protection
Element: Storm
Chakras: All

The Crystal of the Day Sunday 27 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day Sunday 27 October 2013 is Chalcantite. Chalcanthite Crystals are lab-grown on a piece of pumice, with prism-like crystals in deep, uniform transparent cobalt blue. Many of the crystals are twinned, embedded, and come in many sizes – and they have even formed in some of the nooks on the underside of the pumice.

Chalcanthite, whose name derives from the Greek, chalkos and anthos, meaning ‘copper flower’, is a richly-colored blue/green water-soluble sulfate mineral, commonly found in the late-stage oxidation zones of copper deposits. Due to its ready solubility, chalcanthite is more frequently found in greater abundance in arid regions.

Clusters symbolise community and promote harmony, balance, friendship, group and familial cooperation. They can both transmit and receive energy. Clusters remove negativity from their environment because of their multiple points, so they are excellent to place in your healing space, office or home. Clusters can be used to charge and to cleanse other crystals by placing them carefully upon the cluster and letting it go to work!
A twin crystal is formed when two or more individual crystals grow along side each other. They facilitate the building of relationships on all levels, acting to encourage encounters with the soul-mate(s) present during this lifetime. They helps you to create a balance between your outer manifestation and inner being, so that they are not in opposition and are manifested as movements of the same energy flow. Twin crystals promote the recognition that love gives freedom, bringing the related synthesis of love and freedom to the level of understanding. Twin crystals are also useful for melding the consciousness of groups and for encouraging Universal love.

Chalcanthite can be used to eliminate feelings of abandonment and confinement, and can assist in continuing towards your goals without restraint. It is an excellent mineral for activation of your Throat Chakra, bringing smooth flow to communication and elocution in all situations. Use Chalcanthite to assist you in making choices, as the energy of this mineral tends to reflect the choice of preference, eliminating confusing distractions!

Physically, Chalcanthite has been used in the treatment of arthritis, to reduce the presence of free-radical oxides, to cleanse the arteries, to alleviate water retention, and to treat disorders of the reproductive system.

Colour: Electric Blue
Chakra: Throat

The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 24 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 24 October 2013 is Tanzanite. Tanzanite is a member of the Zoisite family and is also known as Blue Zoisite. It was first discovered in Tanzania, Africa (1967). The natural Tanzanite stone has a high vibration, with powerful metaphysical properties. These are strong stones to assist you to develop psychic power, so this aspect may help you if you are considering entering psychic employment.

These lovely violet blue stones primarily activate the heart chakra which links with the third eye chakra via the throat chakra. This linkage of the three chakras is a powerful vibration that will open you up to a totally new way of looking at the world. As the throat chakra is also a participant in the process this will open up your communication abilities. As this new type of vibration comes through the throat chakra you will begin to aid you to communicate from a heart based perspective.

Tanzanite is an important communication stone, giving one the ability to speak the truth. It promotes compassion, raises consciousness in meditation, calms an overactive mind, and brings on a peaceful understanding of one’s own heart.

If you continue to meditate regularly with Tanzanite Crystals, your meditations may be beyond expression in depth and profoundness, as you may make contact with angels, ascended Masters and your own spirit guide. Using this stone has the potential to awaken dormant psychic abilities.

Tanzanite has a strong energy, which makes it one of the premier stones to use for the development of your spirituality and health, and it has the potential to stimulate development of a wide variety of gifts in many fields.

Birthstone: December
Energies: Power, Love, Healing
Element: Wind Element
Chakras: Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra

The Crystal of the Day for Monday 21 October 2013


Crystal of the Day for Monday 21 October 2013 is Papagoite. Papagoite is a combination of ajoite, papagoite and quartz.

Bottom part of crystal is in its natural state. From the original Messina, South Africa mine, these specimens are rare and difficult to buy since the mine is closed.

AJOITE: Mainly in the form of phantoms within crystals. These are powerful tools. Produces a melding between heart & throat chakras and allows speaking that of one’s heart. Provides peacefulness in emotional system and joyful acceptance of one’s surroundings, circumstances, and environment. One of the most beautiful, joyous & loving crystals of the earth.

PAPAGOITE: A copper-based mineral with a rich, blue color. Sends forth a gentle and calming energy; excellent for clearing the throat and third-eye chakras, aiding in verbalization with clarity. Useful in bonding relationships between one and family, friends and all of existence. Quartz/papagoite combination aids in communication of transmission and reception.

QUARTZ – PHANTOM: Crystals with a distinct outline of another crystal within them, or even containing another complete crystal formation. Phantom crystals because of their pyramidal geometry, are associated with the ability to help one reconnect with past life memories of initiations in the pyramids and past lives in general.

Energies: peace, communication, past life regressions
CHAKRAs: Third eye, Heart & Throat.