The Crystal of the Day for Friday 15 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Friday 15 November 2013 is Faery/Fairy Frost Crystal (aka Devic Crystal). Configuration: Wisps, veils and internal fractures that look like frost inside a crystal. They are divination crystals, and personal talismans. They are used in meditation to connect to the spiritual world. They are able to serve as receivers and transmitters to the higher planes of the spirit world.

Faery/Fairy Frost crystals have been found to be an excellent meditation crystal if it is large enough.

Metaphysical Properties Lore: Touched by Faeries, that’s the feeling these crystals have. This touch brings energies of communication, with nature, nature spirits, and spirits of the elements, for learning from these beings. Faery/Fairy Frost Crystals can also help us be closer to nature and to care for Mother Earth and the natural world around us. These crystals can promote universal love and open hearts.

The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 7 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 7 November 2013 is Ocean/Orbicular Jasper. Ocean Jasper (also called Orbicular Jasper) is an unusual jasper found only at a remote location on the coast of Madagascar that can only be mined at low tide! The colours vary widely – including white, green, pink, red, black, blue. The wild polka dots, wavy lines, multi-coloured floret patterns of Ocean Jasper make this a gorgeous and exciting stone.

The positive vibrations of Ocean Jasper make it a stone of joy. It stimulates solar plexus, heart and throat chakras, increases expression of love in words and actions, gently brings into focus the positive aspects of ones life, and it brings relaxation and cooperation to the home or workplace. This powerful stone lifts negativity so one can fully appreciate blessings. Ocean jasper is a very calming and soothing stone, as well as one of the most protective. This jasper is specifically used to align all of the chakras. Ocean jasper encourages the love of oneself and of others, the healing of the emotions and the sense of peace it brings helps us connect to nature and all of the earth. Ocean Jasper attracts the Devics (nature sprites or faerie kingdom), it is used to encourage the acceptance of responsibility and also thought to increase patience.

Physically this stone is thought to be useful in removing toxins from the physical body as well as the aura.

Ocean Jasper is now mined out and its availability becomes more rare. Jasper needs direct contact with the skin, after each use, the stone should be cleaned under warm running water and recharged overnight in a bowl of tumbled hematite stones.

Colours: Wide variety of swirling colours
Zodiac: Scorpio, Aries, and Virgo
Energies: Power, Protection, Love
Chakras: Solar plexus chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat chakra