The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 19 October 2013


** I’m sorry today’s information is so late, was at hospital 🙂 I’m fine.

The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 19 October 2013 is Novaculite. Alternate Names or Spellings: “Cord Cutting Crystal”

Novaculite is used psychically to cut psychic or etheric cords. It can also be helpful for “cutting through” problems, getting past problems, and finding solutions. Novaculite is useful for alleviating depression and despair. Physically novaculite is used in crystal healing for clinical depression, obsessive disorders, warts, and moles. Novaculite energizes all the chakras.

**My apologies for so short & sweet of an explanation, however, my back is gone off on one again and I’m going to hospital. I’ll be fine, I’m sure 🙂