The Crystal of the Day for Monday 2 December 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Monday 2 December 2013 is Selenite and is associated with the Moon.  Selenite is named for Selene, Greek goddess of the Moon because of its moon-like glow. Exchanged between lovers, it will bring about reconciliation.  Selenite brings mental clarity, helps one to access angelic guidance, unblocks stagnant energy, and instills a deep peace to the holder. It makes a wonderful protection stone. Place a selenite sphere at the corners of your home to create a peaceful, safe environment that will not be disturbed by outside influences.

Element:  Wind
Chakra:  Third Eye, Crown
Energies:  Healing, Power, Love, Protection

The Crystal of the Day for Tuesday 19 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Tuesday 19 November 2013 is Lepidocrocite. Lepidocrocite is a stone that often occurs in quartz, and is well known as one of the constituents of Super Seven, or “Melody’s Stone”.

Lepidocrocite’s vibration works strongly within the thymus or higher heart chakra to encourage you to open your heart to Divine love. It has a soothing vibration that helps calm ADHD and hyperactivity, and its vibration may be helpful if you are working on healing the inner child. It surrounds you in a bubble of high-vibration golden light that is a barrier against negativity and has metaphysical properties that may align you with Divine will, as it aids you to release fear.

Lepidocrocite’s energy helps you to make contact with angels and spirit guides when you use it in meditation. Its colour is reddish brown to a darker red, and this may vary, as it depends on what type of quartz it is included in. When this mineral is found within Amethyst Crystals its colour is commonly more purplish-red. It has a strong vibration that makes it a valuable ally to use. Stones from Brazil may be called Kokoshanite, and it is sometimes sold as Red Fire Quartz.

This stone has a powerful energy that brings all aspects of your etheric body into alignment. It will aid you with developing your intuition and instinct and with opening up your telepathic abilities. It is a beautiful heart chakra and thymus chakra stone, and when found within quartz has the additional property of a powerful amplifying effect of its vibration. Although it works primarily within these two chakras, Lepidocrocite stimulates and aligns all of the chakras and deepens your intuition.

It kindles love and harmony within the etheric body and has a strong healing action within the emotional body. It allows you to be able to contact the Divine mind directly and this may aid you to bring spiritual insights into your day to day life as well as aid you to deal with emotional problems.

Its vibration is known to aid you to recognise your strengths and to watch the things that happen in your life without needing to judge the issues. It is an excellent stone for emotional healing and may heal romantic relationships through its loving energy. This strong psychic protection stone deepens intuition and will also assist you to heal any holes in the aura caused by drug or alcohol abuse.

Lepidocrocite is said to heal the heart and lungs and will aid in oxygenating the cells. It is known to have an active influence to heal the liver and the reproductive area and helps prevent hormonal shifts. It is said to help to dissolve tumours and to encourage cellular regeneration.The action of this stone is powerful to help you to work through feelings of grief, or if you are suffering from depression.

Lepidocrocite in Quartz is a strong meditation stone as it will benefit you by enhancing your ability to make contact with members of the angelic kingdom or your guides. If you have not previously made contact with your guides this stone will aid you to find your spirit guide, and start connecting with angels. Combine the beautiful Pink Petalite with it, as this combined vibration is powerful to aid you to contact your guardian angels and other spirit guides.

Chakra: Heart, all chakras
Energies: Angelic connections, telepathy, healing, intuition
Planet: Venus

The Crystal of the Day for Wednesday 6 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Wednesday 6 November 2013 is Hemimorphite. Hemimorphite is an empathy stone and it aids in communication of inner feelings toward healing unhealthy or damaged relationships. It is also used to encourage compassion, develop the ability to connect with the ‘other side’ and angelic beings, increases psychic or vision abilities, develops inner strength, and is excellent for energy in completing projects through to the end.

Healers use this stone to relieve PMS, achieve balance during hormonal-related headaches and other maladies, weight loss, ulcer conditions.

Colour: Blue with White
Element: Storm element
Energies: Healing, Power, Love
Chakras: Heart, Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Solar Plexus

The Crystal of the Day for Tuesday 29 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Tuesday 29 October 2013 is Bustamite. Bustamite is a calcium manganese silicate mineral. Its colour range is light pinkish brown to a deeper red/brown. They are very rare and the magnesium will tarnish to black upon exposure to sunlight.

The frequency of Bustamite connects to the Base and Sacral chakras. It opens the Base chakra allowing one to feel safe and secure in one’s physical vehicle and to enjoy one’s physical existence. It increases physical vitality and lifts emotions so that one has a joy-filled and optimistic outlook. Via the Sacral chakra Bustamite allows one to be creative in all areas of one’s life and aids with manifesting joy.

Bustamite can be used in the removal of energy blockages and in realigning the energy channels. It can be used to activate and clear the heart chakra. Bustamite provides a calming influence during stressful situations/activities. Used in meditation, it provides a safe and sacred place where the soul is honoured and the inner being can feel the perfection of health, harmony and the congruity of the universe. Conducive to dream state, stimulating the state of awareness. Provides access to angelic beings in the purity of light. A very powerful stone for energy work.

The energy of Bustamite is light, happy, playful and joyful and helps one to integrate these positive energies into ones being. It helps one to connect to ones “inner child” to enjoy ones life’s experiences.

Bustamite is useful in treating circulatory disorders and can be used to alleviate headaches. It can also balance the endocrine system and treat sexual dysfunction.

Colour: Pale to medium Pink, Red/Brown
Chakra: Heart
Astrological sign: Libra

The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 24 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 24 October 2013 is Tanzanite. Tanzanite is a member of the Zoisite family and is also known as Blue Zoisite. It was first discovered in Tanzania, Africa (1967). The natural Tanzanite stone has a high vibration, with powerful metaphysical properties. These are strong stones to assist you to develop psychic power, so this aspect may help you if you are considering entering psychic employment.

These lovely violet blue stones primarily activate the heart chakra which links with the third eye chakra via the throat chakra. This linkage of the three chakras is a powerful vibration that will open you up to a totally new way of looking at the world. As the throat chakra is also a participant in the process this will open up your communication abilities. As this new type of vibration comes through the throat chakra you will begin to aid you to communicate from a heart based perspective.

Tanzanite is an important communication stone, giving one the ability to speak the truth. It promotes compassion, raises consciousness in meditation, calms an overactive mind, and brings on a peaceful understanding of one’s own heart.

If you continue to meditate regularly with Tanzanite Crystals, your meditations may be beyond expression in depth and profoundness, as you may make contact with angels, ascended Masters and your own spirit guide. Using this stone has the potential to awaken dormant psychic abilities.

Tanzanite has a strong energy, which makes it one of the premier stones to use for the development of your spirituality and health, and it has the potential to stimulate development of a wide variety of gifts in many fields.

Birthstone: December
Energies: Power, Love, Healing
Element: Wind Element
Chakras: Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra