The Crystal of the Day for Friday 6 December 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Friday 6 December 2013 is Green Calcite which corresponds to Venus, Friday’s planet.  Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of various types of energies. Draw money and prosperity by burning green candles placed around green calcite for a short while each morning.

Green calcite can assist in dissolving old rigid belief systems, restoring balance to your mind. It aids any transition from a stagnant to a positive environment. It is also used to stimulate the immune system and absorb negative energy (such as arthritis and bacterial infections). Crystal Healers use it with bone adjustments, and constrictions of the ligaments and muscles. It is also said to help the kidneys, spleen and pancreas. Removes toxins from the body and alleviates mental fear. Aids in mental clarity, soothes anxiety, calms turbulent energies. Expands awareness, aids intuition, links parallel realities. Good when undertaking mental change.

Energies:  Money, Prosperity, Healing
Planet:  Venus