The Crystal of the Day for Friday 8 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Friday 8 November 2013 is Kinoite. Kinoite is a stone of communication of higher truth. It is used to avoid and eliminate delusions and self-limiting concepts. It is also excellent for bringing psychic abilities into the realm of easy communication, so that psychic information can be imparted with a gentle but firm voice of truth. Kinoite is excellent for channeling from other dimensions and spaces. As such with these energies, Kinoite is said to especially enhance the first bloom of spirituality in one.

Kinoite consists of drusy apophyllite and its locality is Christmas Mine, Gila County, Arizona.

Physically, Kinoite is used in crystal healing and folk healing for teeth, throat, nerves, calming, and increasing stamina. Kinoite is related primarily to the throat chakra, but also associated somewhat with the third eye chakra.