Crystal of the Day for Monday 30 September 2013


Crystal of the Day for Monday 30 September 2013 is Binghamite (American Tiger Eye, Silkstone). Binghamite is a stone that is said to bring all manner of good things, particularly good fortune. It is also said to have the energies of faeries and elves, which is a very positive energy. In crystal work, Binghamite is used to communicate with the inner child. It is also used by metaphysicians for clairaudience and communication with other worlds. Physically, in crystal healing lore, Binghamite is used to regenerate energy flow in the body, renew cells, eases disease, Theta brain wave patterns, burns, convulsions, anemia, and ear nose and throat problems. Binghamite is also used in crystal healing to energise and direct other minerals energies..

Zodiac: Sagittarius
Energies: Healing, clairaudience, communication
Element: none noted
Chakra: All Chakras