The Crystal of the Day for Friday 6 December 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Friday 6 December 2013 is Green Calcite which corresponds to Venus, Friday’s planet.  Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of various types of energies. Draw money and prosperity by burning green candles placed around green calcite for a short while each morning.

Green calcite can assist in dissolving old rigid belief systems, restoring balance to your mind. It aids any transition from a stagnant to a positive environment. It is also used to stimulate the immune system and absorb negative energy (such as arthritis and bacterial infections). Crystal Healers use it with bone adjustments, and constrictions of the ligaments and muscles. It is also said to help the kidneys, spleen and pancreas. Removes toxins from the body and alleviates mental fear. Aids in mental clarity, soothes anxiety, calms turbulent energies. Expands awareness, aids intuition, links parallel realities. Good when undertaking mental change.

Energies:  Money, Prosperity, Healing
Planet:  Venus

The Crystal of the Day Sunday 1 December 2013


The Crystal of the Day Sunday 1 December 2013 is Lemon Quartz as it corresponds with the Sun.  Yellow as a colour energy signifies creativity, organisation, optimism and well-being. Meditation with lemon quartz will enhance focus on your goals with a clear and bright outlook to make your future the way you want it to be! As with all quartz, it can also enhance and give more power to oils and potions.

Chakra:  Solar Plexus
Energies: Protection, Healing, Money, Luck

The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 28 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 28 November 2013 is (to correspond with the planetary day of Jupiter) Imperial Topaz. Imperial Topaz is used to encourage self-realisation and confidence, impart strength to quiet wild emotions, banish bad dreams, bestow charisma on its user, draws love to its wearer, protection against envy, disease, negative magic and sudden or untimely death and combined with tiger eye, topaz will bring wealth and money.

Topaz stimulates the appetite, aids with nervous exhaustion, and activates life force and metabolism.

Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces (ancient)
Planet: Jupiter
Birthstone: November Feb, Mar, Sep (Ancient)
Energies: Love, Power, Healing, Protection, Money
Chakra: Third Chakra – Solar Plexus

The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 21 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 21 November 2013 is (to correspond with the planetary day of Jupiter) is Malachite. Malachite is believed to be a strong protector of children. It is said to protect the wearer from accidents and protects travelers. Malachite has been used to aid success in business and protect against undesirable business associations. It is a stone of balance in relationships.

Malachite is always green, usually in banded tones varying from very dark green to a mellow green. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used malachite for jewelry and ground it to use as eye shadow. It is used in amulets to protect against the evil eye. Malachite is a stone that should not be used for physical healing. Malachite has been called the “mirror of the soul”. It is variable in its condition. It reaches the inner feelings of the person and reflects what is there, negative or positive. It is so beautiful that one would like to wear it in jewelry, but caution must be used when wearing Malachite. It will always reflect how you feel, if you feel negative don’t wear Malachite. It reminds us that we have a dual nature and it is up to each person to know and rule his own person. To help get rid of nightmares, keep a piece of Malachite in your bedroom.

Zodiac: Pisces, Scorpio, Sagittarius (Ancient)
Planet: Jupiter
Energies: Love, Money, Protection
Chakra: Fourth Chakra – Heart

The Crystal of the Day for Friday 1 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Friday 1 November 2013 is Yttrium Fluorite. Yttrium Fluorite is a powerful high crystal energy stone that aids both mystical and spiritual growth. This is a rare stone that is also called Lavender Fluorite. This beautiful high frequency stone will help you with developing your intuition, as well as promoting the growth of a range of psychic abilities. It is a high vibration stone that will help you when your psychic gifts are expanding, as it has an amazing energy to assist psychic and spiritual growth. It is rare and unlike other types of fluorite, it commonly forms in masses rather than in crystals.

It is a powerful stone to use at the crown chakra, soul star chakra and higher transpersonal chakras. It aids your mind to be better organised, and this helps you when you are making a spiritual connection. This high crystal energy stone has strong metaphysical properties. These attributes promote insight and aid greater proficiency when using your specific personal abilities. Yttrium Fluorite elevates your on-going spiritual growth in a variety of ways.

If you wish to increase your psychic powers and to develop your intuition this is an excellent stone to utilise. It is especially good for people who wish to work as a medium or in the field of psychic counseling. Mediums who channel spirit and have used this stone validate its strong ability to strengthen your capability and expertise when using these gifts.

Its energy gives you a strong ability to strengthen your connection to your higher self and to spirit, when making the connection to contact those on the other side of the veil. It aids the development of clearer psychic visions and clairvoyant abilities, as well developing stronger psychic knowing. This psychic gift is closely related to automatic writing, which can be developed by daily writing in a journal. By doing journaling every day this may allow you to receive written communication directly from spirit.

Yttrium Fluorite creates calmness and serenity with a gentle yet quite profound vibration. It resonates strongly at both the heart chakra and within the higher heart chakra, also known as the thymus chakra.

Yttrium Fluorite may assist you to channel spirit, and can help you to contact your spirit guide. It may aid you if you are a psychic reader as it brings through an amazing connection to the higher chakras. When holding the stone it brings greater clarity to psychic visions, commonly called clairvoyant abilities.

It is also said to promote an increase in your ability to manifest, especially an increase in personal wealth, and they may help you to manifest money. By using one of these lovely lavender stones you may empower your life and as you unlock your imagination you can use these gifts to manifest those things that you desire. This is partly because it is so stimulating to the mind as well as to the imagination.

It has the potential to make you quite ungrounded after only a few minutes use so using it with a Black Tourmaline, Black Andradite Garnet, Axinite or other spiritual grounding stone is advisable. Some specific high vibration stones that you might use with this stone could be Tremolite, Danburite, Herderite, Moldavite, Natrolite, White Azeztulite and Phenacite. If you are wish to accelerate your gifts of psychic visions or clairvoyance, stones such as Magnesite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst Crystals, Shattuckite, Ascension Stones and Labradorite will benefit by being used with it. To aid its mystical qualities combine it with Chalcopyrite or Tremolite.

Crystal of the Day for Monday 7 October 2013


Crystal of the Day for Monday 7 October 2013 is Goldstone (Stone of Ambition). Goldstone is said to help attain one’s goals. Goldstone is also said to help one stay calm and stabilise the emotions. It can be used as an energy generator and can deflect unwanted energies, making it used as a protection stone. It is also used for long distance healing and revitalising one’s energy field. Goldstone also has many of the metaphysical properties of copper, including strengthening the circulatory system, strengthening bones, and easing arthritis pain.

Goldstone is actually a manmade glass with flecks of copper suspended in it, which give it the sparkles. Goldstone was said to be originally created by French monks, and in time the secret was lost. It’s been rediscovered or recreated in modern times, though, and goldstone is a popular material because of its beauty as well as its metaphysical properties lore. Goldstone comes in the original “brown”, a blue-purple, and a green. Each color brings its energies to the goldstone as well.

Energies: money, energy, power
Element: none noted