The Crystal of the Day Sunday 24 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day Sunday 24 November 2013  is Sunstone.

Sunstone was associated with the Sun during the Renaissance because of its sparkling orange-gold hue. It was used by magicians to call upon the     influences of the sun. It is a protective stone. Placed before a white candle, sunstone will spread protective energies throughout your home. Symbolically, sunstone is linked to moonstone. Carry the two stones together to bring the influences of the Sun (Healing, Protection, Success) into harmony with those of the Moon (Love, Peace, Spirituality). Sunstone is worn to: Give you extra energy when you are ill or under stress, it stimulates  sexual arousal and increase sexual energy, Increase self-healing power, and promotes harmony among the organs functions. Sunstone stimulates your personal power of attraction.

Colour: Sparkling orange – gold;
Energies: Protection, Healing, Love.
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Chakras: Sacral Hara Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra.
Element:  Fire
Planet:  Sun

The Crystal of the Day for Wednesday 20 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Wednesday 20 November 2013 is Tremolite. This stone has a powerful vibration that helps you to activate the third eye chakra, crown chakra, soul star chakra, and the higher transpersonal chakras and will help you to take the next step needed to move to a new state of being spiritually.

Sleeping with this stone under the pillow after your meditation, brings deep peace and absolute serenity. The dreams that come under this stones influence are quite detailed and seem to have deep meaning and it is worth keeping a dream journal to record them. Writing in a journal may enable you to use the information for your spiritual growth.

This stone’s unique resonance will help you to let go of the things that have been creating anxiety and stress in your life. They supply helpful ways to relieve stress, if you have had stress or anxiety for some time. Although it may be hard to release the need to feel stressed, once you let it go, you may find peace, harmony and clarity and a total freedom from negative feelings.

Tremolite has a balanced energy that is known for its ability to alleviate depression and worry and to help you to let go those things that have been holding you back from your highest good. The deep harmony it creates is combined with a lessening of the fear that today’s world seems to create. The connection with spirit may also help the progression of your spiritual journey.

This stone is known to create in many people the blooming of a mystical experience in which you just seems to know things that you had not known before. It is said that this comes via your connection to your higher self, yet it seems like you have a direct connection to spirit and access to the realms of knowledge contained there.

The Crystal of the Day Sunday 27 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day Sunday 27 October 2013 is Chalcantite. Chalcanthite Crystals are lab-grown on a piece of pumice, with prism-like crystals in deep, uniform transparent cobalt blue. Many of the crystals are twinned, embedded, and come in many sizes – and they have even formed in some of the nooks on the underside of the pumice.

Chalcanthite, whose name derives from the Greek, chalkos and anthos, meaning ‘copper flower’, is a richly-colored blue/green water-soluble sulfate mineral, commonly found in the late-stage oxidation zones of copper deposits. Due to its ready solubility, chalcanthite is more frequently found in greater abundance in arid regions.

Clusters symbolise community and promote harmony, balance, friendship, group and familial cooperation. They can both transmit and receive energy. Clusters remove negativity from their environment because of their multiple points, so they are excellent to place in your healing space, office or home. Clusters can be used to charge and to cleanse other crystals by placing them carefully upon the cluster and letting it go to work!
A twin crystal is formed when two or more individual crystals grow along side each other. They facilitate the building of relationships on all levels, acting to encourage encounters with the soul-mate(s) present during this lifetime. They helps you to create a balance between your outer manifestation and inner being, so that they are not in opposition and are manifested as movements of the same energy flow. Twin crystals promote the recognition that love gives freedom, bringing the related synthesis of love and freedom to the level of understanding. Twin crystals are also useful for melding the consciousness of groups and for encouraging Universal love.

Chalcanthite can be used to eliminate feelings of abandonment and confinement, and can assist in continuing towards your goals without restraint. It is an excellent mineral for activation of your Throat Chakra, bringing smooth flow to communication and elocution in all situations. Use Chalcanthite to assist you in making choices, as the energy of this mineral tends to reflect the choice of preference, eliminating confusing distractions!

Physically, Chalcanthite has been used in the treatment of arthritis, to reduce the presence of free-radical oxides, to cleanse the arteries, to alleviate water retention, and to treat disorders of the reproductive system.

Colour: Electric Blue
Chakra: Throat

The Crystal of the Day for 2 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day for 2 October 2013 is Bixbite. Emerald is the most famous member of the beryl family, which also include aquamarine, morganite and golden beryl. But emerald is not the rarest of the beryls. That distinction belongs to red beryl, also known by the name bixbite.

Red beryl or bixbite was first described in 1904 based on a discovery at Maynard’s Claim in the Thomas Mountains in western Utah, USA. It was named after Maynard Bixby (1853-1935), an American mineralogist. The name bixbite has now been deprecated by CIBJO, the World Jewellery Confederation, to avoid confusion with another mineral, bixbyite, also named after Maynard Bixby.

Bixbite, or red beryl, is known metaphysically as a stone of soothing and healing. It is used by intuitives and mystics to bring harmony to relationships and enhance compatibility. It is also said to be helpful to heal grief and depression. Bixbite is also used to strengthen creativity energy. Physically, intuitive sources say that bixbite is good for healing problems with the physical heart, liver, lungs, mouth, throat, stomach, physical energy level, and digestive system. Bixbite is related to the heart and sacral chakras.

Zodiac: Aries and Taurus
Energies: Healing, comfort, creativity
Chakras: Heart and Sacral Chakras


The Crystal of the Day for Tuesday 1 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Tuesday 1 October 2013 is Botswana Agate. Botswana agate is sometimes called the “change stone” because of its mystical property of helping one handle change in a positive way. It is said to gently help one make transitions of any kind in a way that change is not as difficult or painful as could be without it; it is a comforting stone. Carrying a bit of Botswana agate in your pocket is said to help one cope easily with the minor changes that life throws at us daily.

Relief from depression and/or grief is another metaphysical energy of Botswana agate. It is said to help us focus on solutions instead of problems, and thereby increases creativity, as well as increasing the power of one’s intuition. Botswana agate is noted in crystal healing to be helpful in overcoming addictions and other self-destructive compulsive behaviour patterns, as well as dealing with repressed emotional issues. As a success stone, it is said to help one achieve and cope with success. It is also a stone of sensuality. In crystal healing it is said to be beneficial to the nervous system and can help rid the body of toxins, as well as help in the healing of broken bones.

Because of the harmonising qualities of agate, and its emotional energies of removing and releasing resentments and bitterness, it is also considered by many to be an excellent stone for helping to heal and improve relationships. Agate can cleanse and stabilise the aura by removing and/or transforming negative energy.

Physically, agate is particularly helpful with tooth and gum issues, stomach problems, physical endurance, and insomnia.

Energies: Protection, Strength, Harmony
Chakras: All