The Crystal of the Day for Friday 15 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Friday 15 November 2013 is Faery/Fairy Frost Crystal (aka Devic Crystal). Configuration: Wisps, veils and internal fractures that look like frost inside a crystal. They are divination crystals, and personal talismans. They are used in meditation to connect to the spiritual world. They are able to serve as receivers and transmitters to the higher planes of the spirit world.

Faery/Fairy Frost crystals have been found to be an excellent meditation crystal if it is large enough.

Metaphysical Properties Lore: Touched by Faeries, that’s the feeling these crystals have. This touch brings energies of communication, with nature, nature spirits, and spirits of the elements, for learning from these beings. Faery/Fairy Frost Crystals can also help us be closer to nature and to care for Mother Earth and the natural world around us. These crystals can promote universal love and open hearts.

The Crystal of the Day Sunday 10 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day Sunday 10 November 2013 is Orange River Crystals. In Africa the areas where Orange River crystals are mined are remote and barren. Like the river name, most of the crystals have a beautiful orange glow to them. A vast array of formations have been found along this river such as elestials, Genrators, Transmitters, Cathedrals, Star Gazers with a variety of inclusions including Hematite. These crystals are from one of the most inhospitable areas on the planet, yet something of such beauty can be found there. Most of these crystals have phantoms within them, recording lessons of the past, so that progress can be made. They have a rich history and can instill many life lessons. They are amazing teachers if you take the time to listen to their stories.

Most Orange River Quartz has some level of Red Phantom inclusions and Red-phantom quartz crystals are rare. The red phantom is used to stimulate the first three chakras, to combine the energies in order to produce highly recognisable vitality directed toward creativity, intellectual advancement, and intuitive endeavours.

In addition, the red phantom exhibits qualities similar to dioptase; it provides for stimulation of the intelligence of the cellular structure of the body such that the cells may recognise the reason for malfunction, in conditions of disease; it further provides the vitality and creativity for the correction of the malfunction.

Hematite forms a reflective shield around the wearer, letting negativity bounce off and return to the sender. Wearers should remember however, that their own negativity will be reflected to them if they are its source. It is therefore a “lesson stone”, teaching the aware to release and ground their negativity. It is also said to aid in Mental attunement, memory enhancement and in disorders of the blood. Hematite symbolises balance. It is used to ground, stabilise, and focus attention on the physical plane. It is popular among many pagans for its ability to absorb negative energy. Hematite can absorb both positive and negative energy, though it is most often used to absorb negative energy. It is a very easy stone to clear and cleanse, and thus can be used multiple times in the absorption of energy. Hematite has connections to both Fire and Earth.

Colour: deep orangey-red
Energies: grounding, Healing, intuition, Protection
Elements: Fire/Earth
Chakras: All Lower chakras