The Crystal of the Day for Friday 13 December 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Friday 13 December 2013 is Chrysocolla which corresponds to Venus, Friday’s planet.  Chrysocolla is a very beautiful stone with many beneficial energies. It is known as a healing stone among Native American Indian cultures where it was used for strengthening the body’s resistance and bringing about calm feelings where there is upset.when undertaking mental change.

Chrysocolla is a stone of peace, increased wisdom, discretion. It promotes level-headedness, encouraging clarity of thought and a neutral, cool attitude during turbulence. It can be used to decrease nervousness and irritability.

Chrysocolla can be placed directly on the affected body part. Laying it on the forehead as a ‘third eye’ offers spiritual benefit.
Helps with infections (especially the throat area)
Used by healers to detoxify the liver, lower blood pressure
Has a cooling effect for fever reduction
Can assist in speeding up recovery from burns
Alleviates cramps
Use with copper to increase the power of chrysocolla.

Energies:  Healing, Power, Love
Planet:  Venus
Chakra:  Fifth Chakra – Throat

The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 12 December 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 12 December 2013 is Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite), which corresponds with Jupiter.  Indicolite is blue tourmaline, which is probably the rarest form of tourmaline. As a type of tourmaline it has those properties in addition to its own. Indicolite corresponds to all chakras in terms of clearing, but particularly to the throat and third eye chakras. It is said to aid in the quest for spiritual growth. It increases psychic awareness, and increases healing powers. Indicolite can also bring happiness and laughter to your life. It also promotes inspiration of all kinds, and lessens fear. Indicolite is a protective stone that can dispel curses and protect from all dangers. In the physical realm, indicolite is said to benefit the lungs, larynx, thyroid, heart, internal organs, and parasympathetic nerves.Tourmaline promotes safe procreation and grant potency to men.

Tourmaline increases flexibility, happiness, hope, objectivity, compassion and serenity. It also enhances tolerance and understanding. It is a stone that is very helpful for channeling. Tourmaline is also a very protecting stone. It is called the Poet’s Stone.

Tourmalines of any colour have positive influence on endocrine and nervous systems. They eliminate fears, sharpen attentiveness to other people’s feelings and needs. Tourmaline is believed to strengthen the body and spirit, especially the nervous system, blood, and lymphs. It is also thought to inspire creativity and was used extensively as a tailsman by artists and writers.

Planet:  Jupiter
Zodiac:  Leo
Energies:  Health, Protection
Chakra: Throat/3rd Eye

The Crystal of the Day Sunday 8 December 2013


The Crystal of the Day Sunday 8 December 2013 is Ruby as it corresponds with the Sun.  The ruby is considered to be the most powerful gem in the universe, and is associated with many astral signs. To own a ruby is said to have contentment and peace. Placed under a pillow the ruby may ward off bad dreams. Ruby rings should be worn on the left hand so as to receive the life force and have protection. Given as a gift, the ruby is a symbol of friendship and love. The ruby is also the symbol of vitality and royalty.

The Ruby is filled with love. It also helps sexual love to be more passionate. Persons lacking in self-love should have and mediate on the Ruby. It also gives the courage to be best potential that a person has.

Ruby works with the flow of blood as an aid to circulation. It aids the cleansing and removal of infection or germs in the blood. The Ruby may be worn in jewelry, but never close to the solar plexus, as the Ruby has a disquieting effect upon it. In a ring wear it on your left hand.

The color of rubies varies from vermilion to red. The most desired color is “pigeon’s blood”, which is pure red with a hint of blue. If the color is too pink, the stone is a pink sapphire. The same is true if it is too violet – it is a violet sapphire. The best rubies and star rubies are bright red.

Birthstone:  July (December, ancient)
Zodiac:  Capricorn
Planet:  Sun (also Mars)
Chakra:  First Chakra – base of spine
Energies: Love, Healing

The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 23 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 23 November 2013 is Lapis Lazuli which corresponds with Saturn, Saturday’s planet.  Lapis lazuli is an ancient gem, and as such, has a storied history. Egyptian cultures made a practise of burying a lapis lazuli scarab with their dead, and believed it to offer protection. The very earliest cultures valued lapis lazuli more highly than gold. Greeks spoke of an ancient sapphire which was included with gold, and this was unmistakenly lapis. Some believed that dreaming of lapis would foretell love that would be forever faithful.

When working or meditating with Lapis Lazuli, it can bring matters more clearly to the mind. It is one of the most powerful stones and should be used with care. Wearing a Lapis Lazuli ring can help you to become a channel. The ancient Egyptians used Lapis Lazuli as a symbol of Truth.

Lapis Lazuli is used with other stones when parts of the body need to be purified and cleansed and should be only used by a healer. Lapis Lazuli has high intensity and can open many of the chakra centres. This must be done only with love in the heart and comprehension in the mind and wisdom in soul.

Colour:  Royal Blue with gold flecks of pyrite
Zodiac:  Aquarius, Taurus (Ancient)
Planet:  Saturn
Birthstone:  September, December (Ancient)
Energies:  Love, Protection, Power, Healing
Chakra:  Fifth Chakra – Throat

The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 16 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 16 November 2013 is Cuprite. Cuprite is a red to brown mineral with high copper content. Metaphysical lore says that it is helpful for reducing worries about things one has no control over, awareness, teaching, and delivering spiritual messages.

Cuprite is associated with kundalini energy as well as opening the flow of the base (root) chakra, the solar plexus chakra, and balancing the heart and base chakras. As a root chakra stone, it is considered very grounding and stabilising. It is associated in traditional and mystical lore with will power, security, confidence, sexuality, mortality, and masculine energy. Mystically it is used to recall and examine past life experiences. It has been historically said to help heal one’s relationship with their father.

Traditional folklore and crystal healing lore purport that cuprite is helpful for healing problems with the thymus, heart, blood metabolism (especially imbalances), muscle tissue, skeletal system, oxygenation of the blood, stamina, kidneys, menstrual cramps, vertigo, water retention, vitamin absorption, addictions and alcoholism.

Element: Fire
energies: will power, sexuality, mortality, understanding, grounding, past-life recall, healing
Chakras: Root chakra

The Crystal of the Day for Tuesday 12 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Tuesday 12 November 2013 is Bustamite. Bustamite is a calcium manganese silicate mineral. Its colour range is light pinkish brown to a deeper red/brown. They are very rare and the magnesium will tarnish to black upon exposure to sunlight.

The frequency of Bustamite connects to the Base and Sacral chakras. It opens the Base chakra allowing one to feel safe and secure in one’s physical vehicle and to enjoy one’s physical existence. It increases physical vitality and lifts emotions so that one has a joy-filled and optimistic outlook. Via the Sacral chakra Bustamite allows one to be creative in all areas of one’s life and aids with manifesting joy.

Bustamite can be used in the removal of energy blockages and in realigning the energy channels. It can be used to activate and clear the heart chakra. Bustamite provides a calming influence during stressful situations/activities. Used in meditation, it provides a safe and sacred place where the soul is honoured and the inner being can feel the perfection of health, harmony and the congruity of the universe. Conducive to dream state, stimulating the state of awareness. Provides access to angelic beings in the purity of light. A very powerful stone for energy work.

The energy of Bustamite is light, happy, playful and joyful and helps one to integrate these positive energies into ones being. It helps one to connect to ones “inner child” to enjoy ones life’s experiences.

Bustamite is useful in treating circulatory disorders and can be used to alleviate headaches. It can also balance the endocrine system and treat sexual dysfunction.

Colour: Pale to medium Pink, Red/Brown
Chakra: Heart
Astrological sign: Libra

The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 9 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 9 November 2013 is Larvikite. Larvikite aka Norwegian Moonstone, is a greyish feldspar with vivid silver-blue highlights. It comes from Scandinavia with magic and psychic ability Larvikite – excellent for students as it’s an aid and excellent stone for achievement of goals and learning, it is used to enhance memory capacity and understanding. In addition, Larvikite opens one’s subconscious *teaching on higher levels* clarity of thought is greatly enhanced. A lovely stone that has so much sparkle, reminds me of the stars in the night sky. Larvikite is often used as a tool for lucid dreaming.

Mystic Lore: Intuitive sources say Larvikite carries a mysterious magical energy which stimulates inner visions and enhances psychic abilities. It is said to allow one to see the past, including past lives, and to travel psychically through the dimensions. Its strong connection with Earth energies is a boon to those wishing to do Elemental magick and to connect with Nature spirits. It is said to enhance youthfulness and vitality..

It is said to help one read between the lines to understand what others mean on both a conscious and unconscious level. On a physical level, crystal healing lore says that Larvikite is good for renewing and maintaining vitality and youthfulness, as well as brain maintenance and healing. Larvikite is generally associated with the third eye and throat chakras.

energies: healing, psychic abilities, past-life regression
Chakras: Third Eye, Throat

The Crystal of the Day for Friday 8 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Friday 8 November 2013 is Kinoite. Kinoite is a stone of communication of higher truth. It is used to avoid and eliminate delusions and self-limiting concepts. It is also excellent for bringing psychic abilities into the realm of easy communication, so that psychic information can be imparted with a gentle but firm voice of truth. Kinoite is excellent for channeling from other dimensions and spaces. As such with these energies, Kinoite is said to especially enhance the first bloom of spirituality in one.

Kinoite consists of drusy apophyllite and its locality is Christmas Mine, Gila County, Arizona.

Physically, Kinoite is used in crystal healing and folk healing for teeth, throat, nerves, calming, and increasing stamina. Kinoite is related primarily to the throat chakra, but also associated somewhat with the third eye chakra.

The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 7 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 7 November 2013 is Ocean/Orbicular Jasper. Ocean Jasper (also called Orbicular Jasper) is an unusual jasper found only at a remote location on the coast of Madagascar that can only be mined at low tide! The colours vary widely – including white, green, pink, red, black, blue. The wild polka dots, wavy lines, multi-coloured floret patterns of Ocean Jasper make this a gorgeous and exciting stone.

The positive vibrations of Ocean Jasper make it a stone of joy. It stimulates solar plexus, heart and throat chakras, increases expression of love in words and actions, gently brings into focus the positive aspects of ones life, and it brings relaxation and cooperation to the home or workplace. This powerful stone lifts negativity so one can fully appreciate blessings. Ocean jasper is a very calming and soothing stone, as well as one of the most protective. This jasper is specifically used to align all of the chakras. Ocean jasper encourages the love of oneself and of others, the healing of the emotions and the sense of peace it brings helps us connect to nature and all of the earth. Ocean Jasper attracts the Devics (nature sprites or faerie kingdom), it is used to encourage the acceptance of responsibility and also thought to increase patience.

Physically this stone is thought to be useful in removing toxins from the physical body as well as the aura.

Ocean Jasper is now mined out and its availability becomes more rare. Jasper needs direct contact with the skin, after each use, the stone should be cleaned under warm running water and recharged overnight in a bowl of tumbled hematite stones.

Colours: Wide variety of swirling colours
Zodiac: Scorpio, Aries, and Virgo
Energies: Power, Protection, Love
Chakras: Solar plexus chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat chakra

The Crystal of the Day for Wednesday 6 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Wednesday 6 November 2013 is Hemimorphite. Hemimorphite is an empathy stone and it aids in communication of inner feelings toward healing unhealthy or damaged relationships. It is also used to encourage compassion, develop the ability to connect with the ‘other side’ and angelic beings, increases psychic or vision abilities, develops inner strength, and is excellent for energy in completing projects through to the end.

Healers use this stone to relieve PMS, achieve balance during hormonal-related headaches and other maladies, weight loss, ulcer conditions.

Colour: Blue with White
Element: Storm element
Energies: Healing, Power, Love
Chakras: Heart, Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Solar Plexus