The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 2 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 2 November 2013 is Chalcopyrite. Chalcopyrite is an excellent stone for meditation and this is its most powerful aspect, although it is also a strong healing stone for the physical body. It has a powerful resonance within the higher chakras, and is acknowledged as a stone of the mystic, as it is common for it to make a powerful connection to the higher spiritual and mystical realms.

It is known to help you if you have lost something to find it, and it may even get lost to you as well. Like most gold stones, this is a stone of abundance, and it has a positive vibration that is known to increase happiness, joy and belief in yourself.

This stone has an unusual energy that will bring through a strong spiritual, even mystical energy. Once you begin to feel this vibration, it can be a powerful experience to allow yourself to embrace this energy and go deeply into a state of mind which may aid you to gain deeper spiritual understanding.

Chalcopyrite is an excellent stone to use in meditation and can be quite powerful if used at the third eye or the highest chakra in the physical body, known as the crown chakra. It will clear energy blockages at the crown chakra and will both cleanse and activate it as well. Used in this way you may gain insights about ancient civilisations on planets other than earth and this may help to explain your current life circumstances. The type of deep mystical understanding that comes through may take some time to fully comprehend. It connects you with higher beings who aid you to recognise your role here on this plane.

Chalcopyrite may aid you to discern more about how the universe works – the ideals that encourage and allow each of us to do what we need to do. To feel no guilt about your actions, as what is right for you spiritually is part of the Divine plane and cannot be governed by others ideas of what is right for you. This stone aids very deep understandings to come through from beings in the higher realms, if you desire to know what they have to impart.

Using Chalcopyrite, a strong prosperity stone can be challenging, so be aware in case you find it difficult, when you open yourself up to seeing parts of yourself that you may rather not see. Once you perceive these aspects, this leads you to a greater spiritual understanding generally. Part of the process is understanding that the universe is perfect, and that all that happens occurs for reasons that are perfect, even aspects you may not want to happen such as illness or the death of a loved one.

It would be a good stone to wear as jewelry, as it has a positive vibration that is known to increase happiness, joy and belief in yourself. As it is a Capricorn birthstone you will find it on the list of zodiac stones, therefore it may be available as a pendant or other jewelry.

Like most gold stones, this is a stone of abundance. It will help you to be more aware of the link between abundance and attaining prosperity and your way of thinking. It resonates within all chakras, and its action within the solar plexus chakra also known as the power chakra may help you to attract money. It is helpful to you to aid you to understand that you need to think prosperously to be prosperous.

Natural Chalcopyrite has a strong healing action in the body and helps the universal energies to clear anything that prevents perfect health. It is known to be helpful to have near you, when you are undergoing acupuncture as it helps your system to integrate the energy flow more easily.

Birthstone: Capricorn
energies: wealth, healing
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown

The Crystal of the Day for Tuesday 22 October 2013



The Crystal of the Day for Tuesday 22 October 2013 is Rubellite (or Red/Pink Tourmaline). Pink tourmaline is a gentle stone that directly touches the heart! The colour varies widely from pale pink to deep red. Relaxing and nurturing, pink tourmaline is associated with feminine energies. It vibrates a deep resonance with the heart chakra. It has the potential to heal emotional wounds with its soft, soothinig energy to bring feelings of comfort and safety.

Rubellite stimulates not only the Heart Chakra, but the Root Chakra as well, bringing an increased flow of prana, or life-force energies, to nurture and heal the emotional body. Its grounding influence increases a zest for living and for lively interaction with others. It helps revitalise passion and joy in sexuality, and aids in making dedicated commitments based on love.

“Tourmaline is a shamanic stone, providing protection during ritual work. It can be used for scrying, and was traditionally used to point out a cause of trouble or an offender, and to indicate a good direction in which to move.” [Hall, 297]

Rubellite is useful in treating disorders of the digestive system, lungs, pancreas, spleen and liver. It aids in supporting and repairing the reproductive system, as well as stimulating blood circulation and balancing the structure of blood vessels and veins. Rubellite soothes the nervous system and may be useful in treating hysteria, depression and obsession.

Element: Water
Chakras: Heart, Root

The Crystal of the Day for Monday 21 October 2013


Crystal of the Day for Monday 21 October 2013 is Papagoite. Papagoite is a combination of ajoite, papagoite and quartz.

Bottom part of crystal is in its natural state. From the original Messina, South Africa mine, these specimens are rare and difficult to buy since the mine is closed.

AJOITE: Mainly in the form of phantoms within crystals. These are powerful tools. Produces a melding between heart & throat chakras and allows speaking that of one’s heart. Provides peacefulness in emotional system and joyful acceptance of one’s surroundings, circumstances, and environment. One of the most beautiful, joyous & loving crystals of the earth.

PAPAGOITE: A copper-based mineral with a rich, blue color. Sends forth a gentle and calming energy; excellent for clearing the throat and third-eye chakras, aiding in verbalization with clarity. Useful in bonding relationships between one and family, friends and all of existence. Quartz/papagoite combination aids in communication of transmission and reception.

QUARTZ – PHANTOM: Crystals with a distinct outline of another crystal within them, or even containing another complete crystal formation. Phantom crystals because of their pyramidal geometry, are associated with the ability to help one reconnect with past life memories of initiations in the pyramids and past lives in general.

Energies: peace, communication, past life regressions
CHAKRAs: Third eye, Heart & Throat.

The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 12 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 12 October 2013 is Angel White Ajoite. Angel White Ajoite is Ajoite in lovely white Quartz, embodying both the energies of Ajoite and Quartz, bringing both into higher realms of energy. It is said to combine the gentle, harmonious energies of pure ajoite with high angelic realm vibrations from the quartz. Some say it’s as though they contain the energies of Ajoite and Azeztulite combined.

Sometimes an angel image is seen in the Angel White Ajoite, although it is reputed that all of these stones carry high angelic energies. Angel White Ajoite is used for ascencion into higher realms while maintaining a close tie to the heart in our manifestation here on Earth. Thus, Angel White Ajoite is excellent for meditation to reach higher consciousness and deeper meditations. In the physical realms, Angel White Ajoite combines the energy and folk crystal healing properties of both Ajoite and Quartz. Angel White Ajoite is said to bring our Spirit energy to its full potential. These lovely stones relate to and resonate primarily with the third eye and crown chakras.

Energies: Angelic, healing
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown


The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 10 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 10 October 2013 is Kambaba Jasper. This is a stone that has been around for a long time, however Kambaba jasper is relatively new to the market and little is known about its specific abilities. As with all jaspers it has particular qualities attributed to this variety of gem.

One of the most intensely grounding minerals, it possesses an amazing quality of directing one’s personal energies downward, melding them with Earth energies, then sending that energy back up in an arc. If one consciously allows this process, they may feel an intense ‘pulling’ as their energies are anchored into the planet, followed by a slower surging of the energy’s return. It pulls one inward to the core of the soul where there is hope without all the confusion of everyday existence. When necessary, this process can be repeated with conscious direction, to create a grounding circuit between oneself and the Earth. Such a process may be helpful after especially demanding sessions of spiritual work.

It is told that this jasper will mystically soothe the nerves and your state of mind, and it bring a sense of security well as protection. Jasper is highly-prized for powerful protective energy. Native Americans especially believed that it would protect against unseen dangers in the night. Jasper is said to calm a troubled mind and gives courage, creativity and strength under pressure. It is celebrated as a mood elevator.

“The Earth speaks” is the message of this stone and indeed, use of this mineral may help us to better hear her speak. It is said to be beneficial for plant growth and health. Helps one to connect to the rhythms of the Earth and her energies and assists one to hear the voice of nature. This stone is highly recommend to anyone who is soul-searching and looking for meaning in their live; to any one who is searching for truth; and to anyone who wishes more substance within their life.

Kambaba Jasper calms the emotions whilst providing insight into difficult situations. This gem is often referred to as the “Supreme Nurturer” as it provides support through life’s stressful events and is an excellent stone to wear to help alleviate worry. It is grounding and absorbs negative energy protecting the wearer from psychic attack. Shamans wear Jasper as it is believed that it holds the protection of solar energy and is used during the ritual of journeying. It cleanses the aura and aligns the chakras. It can also be worn to protect from electromagnetic radiation and environmental pollution. It promotes balanced emotions and good health yet it works at a steady pace and worn regularly the benefits this stone provides eventually become permanent. It is excellent for those who have obsessions by helping to bring balance to the emotions whilst also promoting rational thinking. It teaches the wearer to have empathy with the feelings of others. This gem helps an individual to be honest with themselves providing the courage to deal with situations and turn their thoughts in to actions. The energy of this stone works at the base chakra awakening the Kundalini (the spiritual life force at the base of the spine) as it does so it clears and strengthens each chakra in turn. It also works on stimulating creativity whilst encouraging self discipline to complete endeavours or projects which have lost their original excitement.

HEALING: Jasper has the reputation of helping to cleanse the body of toxins. This gem is said to be useful for complaints of the spleen, liver, gallbladder and stomach. It aids the circulation and digestion and detoxifies the blood. It helps in dietary stabilization, assimilation of vitamins and minerals. Some reports are of people needing less vitamins and minerals to stay healthy when they are wearing jasper. Jasper is vital for a person with a busy schedule who is not eating well-balanced meals. It’s also an important gem for anyone on a less than optimal diet, who needs ways to get the most nutrients out of his/her rations.

POSITION: Wear it to help keep a positive outlook. The stones are reported to get more personal and stronger the longer they are worn, thus becoming more attuned.


The Crystal of the Day for Wednesday 9 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Wednesday 9 October 2013 is Heliodor. Heliodor has strong energies to bring will power and personal power to bear on any challenge. Heliodor is used to remove emotional debris and emotional toxins from toxic people. Heliodor is also used in folk and crystal healing to remove toxins from the body, and treat the spleen, liver, and pancreas. Heliodor is primarily associated with the solar plexus chakra and can be used to activate it..

Heliodor Crystal (or Golden Beryl), the same family of stones as aquamarine and works on a similar level (communication) but a different frequency (thought). Helidor activates both the solar plexus and golden aura of the crown chakra. In such the crystal resonates to personal power, personal intellect and the value of sharing intellect. Similarly it works in reverse too, allowing one to receive on the same frequency and some cases to those more adept -hold dialog over great distances.

Energies: Personal Power, Astral
Chakras: Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras


The Crystal of the Day Sunday 6 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day Sunday 6 October 2013 is Galaxite. Galaxite is a micro-labradorite with intense energy. It is sometimes known as the “aura stone” because one of its most noticable energetic characteristics is that of protecting, cleansing, and balancing the aura. It can protect the aura also by stopping energy leakages. Galaxite is also a stone of transformation, especially assisting in spiritual, mystical, and intuitive growth and transformation. It enhances both the conscious intellect and the subsconscious mind, and eases stress and anxiety. Galaxite is helpful for astral travel and astral projection. It can also assist in contacting beings from other dimensions and planes. Physically, galaxite is helpful for stress-related illnesses, anxiety disorders, brain disorders, digestion, metabolic illnesses. Galaxite is associated primarily with the crown chakra.

Energies: Astral projection, healing, energy
Chakras: Crown Chakra


The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 5 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 5 October 2013 is Enhydro (Enhydrite) Crystal. During the growth phases of a crystal over thousands/millions of years, fluid may become trapped inside the crystal – creating a fluid bubble. These crystals are often referred to as enhydros.

The fluid bubble is made up of the fluid that surrounded the crystal at the time it became trapped, thus if could me a mineralise fluid/water, oil, salty water etc. There is a certain purity to an enhydro crystal, thus as you most probably have guessed crystals containing fluids are ideal healing tools for cleansing the energetic bodies (especially the emotional body), as well as detoxing the physical body.

The water element relates to emotions & feelings, thus enhydro’s cleanse and purify our thoughts and emotions, allowing one to speak with truth, wisdom and integrity.

Enhydro’s assist in expression/communication of feelings/emotions from a heart level, opening us up to deep levels of Being and receiving Divine Love.

The water element also assists in heightening our feeling/intuitive state of being, thus these crystals assist us in healing, counselling, crystal healing, medical intuitive and all psychic endeavours.

Enhydro’s are beautiful crystals to support a Crystal Light Healing, or maybe place an enhydro under your pillow or on your beside table during your sleep.. to wash away and transform the energy of day.

There is knowledge that you cannot acquire without loss. If you pierce the Enhydro quartz to get the liquid, you destroy the crystal’s uniqueness and power. Trying to get the ancient liquids and their knowledge and power destroys their crystal and mixes them with the mundane.

Dig too deeply into the secrets and hidden places of others and you risk damaging yourself, others, and your relationships.

Enhydro are mediation stones of acceptance and unquestioned love. They relieve doubt, restore faith, provide self-confidence and bring peace and loving acceptance to relationships plagued by doubt, distrust, and worry.


The Crystal of the Day for Friday 4 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Friday 4 October 2013 is the Diopside. Diopside is a stone that is green to black-green to black. It is a very creative stone and can bring creativity to the bearer. It can also help with analysis and logic as an assistant to learning. It is also said to be related to love, commitment, and the inner heart. It is traditionally said to be helpful for healing trauma, partly by bringing cleansing tears. Sometimes it’s even called the “crying stone” because of this. It can help get in touch with the feminine side, which can help heal aggression and stubbornness. Physically it has been used in crystal healing for the heart, lungs, circulation, weakness, kidneys, muscle aches and spasms, and psychological disorders. Diopside is associated with the heart, third eye and root (base) chakras. Black Star Diopside is associated more with the root chakra than other colors of Diopside, and brings more energies of calming stress and anxiety. Diopside is also used for calming pets at times.

The energy of this mineral depends upon the hue. Black Star diopside is used to establish a connection and grounding with the earth, whilst the greener diopside is used for balancing and healing. It energises the third eye, heart and sacral hara chakra.

Diopside is used by healers to assist in regeneration after a surgery or physical trauma. Women experiencing menopause find it helpful in calming the emotions and physical changes. It is used as an aid in healing after a heart attack or other heart troubles. It has been used for regeneration to heal the lungs from damage caused by smoking.

Energies: Love, healing, calming
Element: Earth
Chakras: Heart, Third Eye, and Base Chakras


The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 3 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Thursday 3 October 2013 is Castle Crystal aka “Cathedral Crystal”. Like building castles in the air with a solid foundation, Castle Crystals are masters of energies of balancing, uplifting, and relieving depression and anxiety. Psychically they are used for accessing mystical knowledge you are spiritually prepared to receive by traveling to different “rooms” within the castle in meditation. They are also used for astral travel and gaining Akashic wisdom.

One prominent point with parallel points stepping up around all sides, rather like candle drippings. It is usually an opaque crystal formation of one main central point and surrounding parallel ones usually of different widths and lengths, but shorter than the main crystal, all growing on a common base. If clear it is a Lightbrary.

Significant parts of the Akashic Record are manifest in Cathedral Quartz. These rare entities contain the knowledge of the Universe that humans can understand. They are impersonal teaching crystals that can be accessed by careful study.

These crystals can seem uncommonly inert and lifeless when first encountered. However with familiarity and careful study, they warm and seem to be filled with an eerie inner glow often reported to be a faint violet colour.

If you seek wisdom, enlightenment, and a deep understanding of mankind’s place in the universe, both physical and spiritual, no better meditation crystal exists.

These crystals are for use by dedicated seekers of Universal Truth. They are worth whatever their price, if used conscientiously.