The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 9 November 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 9 November 2013 is Larvikite. Larvikite aka Norwegian Moonstone, is a greyish feldspar with vivid silver-blue highlights. It comes from Scandinavia with magic and psychic ability Larvikite – excellent for students as it’s an aid and excellent stone for achievement of goals and learning, it is used to enhance memory capacity and understanding. In addition, Larvikite opens one’s subconscious *teaching on higher levels* clarity of thought is greatly enhanced. A lovely stone that has so much sparkle, reminds me of the stars in the night sky. Larvikite is often used as a tool for lucid dreaming.

Mystic Lore: Intuitive sources say Larvikite carries a mysterious magical energy which stimulates inner visions and enhances psychic abilities. It is said to allow one to see the past, including past lives, and to travel psychically through the dimensions. Its strong connection with Earth energies is a boon to those wishing to do Elemental magick and to connect with Nature spirits. It is said to enhance youthfulness and vitality..

It is said to help one read between the lines to understand what others mean on both a conscious and unconscious level. On a physical level, crystal healing lore says that Larvikite is good for renewing and maintaining vitality and youthfulness, as well as brain maintenance and healing. Larvikite is generally associated with the third eye and throat chakras.

energies: healing, psychic abilities, past-life regression
Chakras: Third Eye, Throat