The Crystal of the Day for Monday 21 October 2013


Crystal of the Day for Monday 21 October 2013 is Papagoite. Papagoite is a combination of ajoite, papagoite and quartz.

Bottom part of crystal is in its natural state. From the original Messina, South Africa mine, these specimens are rare and difficult to buy since the mine is closed.

AJOITE: Mainly in the form of phantoms within crystals. These are powerful tools. Produces a melding between heart & throat chakras and allows speaking that of one’s heart. Provides peacefulness in emotional system and joyful acceptance of one’s surroundings, circumstances, and environment. One of the most beautiful, joyous & loving crystals of the earth.

PAPAGOITE: A copper-based mineral with a rich, blue color. Sends forth a gentle and calming energy; excellent for clearing the throat and third-eye chakras, aiding in verbalization with clarity. Useful in bonding relationships between one and family, friends and all of existence. Quartz/papagoite combination aids in communication of transmission and reception.

QUARTZ – PHANTOM: Crystals with a distinct outline of another crystal within them, or even containing another complete crystal formation. Phantom crystals because of their pyramidal geometry, are associated with the ability to help one reconnect with past life memories of initiations in the pyramids and past lives in general.

Energies: peace, communication, past life regressions
CHAKRAs: Third eye, Heart & Throat.

The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 12 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Saturday 12 October 2013 is Angel White Ajoite. Angel White Ajoite is Ajoite in lovely white Quartz, embodying both the energies of Ajoite and Quartz, bringing both into higher realms of energy. It is said to combine the gentle, harmonious energies of pure ajoite with high angelic realm vibrations from the quartz. Some say it’s as though they contain the energies of Ajoite and Azeztulite combined.

Sometimes an angel image is seen in the Angel White Ajoite, although it is reputed that all of these stones carry high angelic energies. Angel White Ajoite is used for ascencion into higher realms while maintaining a close tie to the heart in our manifestation here on Earth. Thus, Angel White Ajoite is excellent for meditation to reach higher consciousness and deeper meditations. In the physical realms, Angel White Ajoite combines the energy and folk crystal healing properties of both Ajoite and Quartz. Angel White Ajoite is said to bring our Spirit energy to its full potential. These lovely stones relate to and resonate primarily with the third eye and crown chakras.

Energies: Angelic, healing
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown


Crystal of the Day for Monday 16 September 2013


Crystal of the Day for Monday 16 September 2013 is Ajoite. Ajoite is known in the metaphysical world as a stone of peace and harmony. It is said to help release and overcome sorrow, anger, fear, and heal old emotional wounds. Ajoite is also said to help connect to the Higher Self and God/Universe/Goddess/All That Is, and be excellent for meditation. Ajoite is noted in metaphysics to be able to remove and release negative energies from the physical, emotional, and etheric bodies. It is said to act as a stone of transformation, bringing change and growth. Ajoite is related to and excellent for work with the throat and heart chakras. Ajoite is a great stone for spiritual healers and spiritual seekers, and is said to be a very powerful healing booster. Ajoite is usually related to the throat and heart chakras.

It is a strengthener, healer and harmoniser of the emotional body. It has very sweet vibrations not only to soothe us; they also draw out the poison of one’s subconsciously held sorrows, fears, rage and old woundings. Meditation with Ajoite can bring both tears and laughter as feelings arise in what is often a deep yet gentle release of inner tensions. It can awaken feelings of forgiveness and compassion – for oneself as well as others which is key in the healing process on all levels.

Ajoite can be used for preservation and rejuvenation on all levels and can facilitate the polarisation of the bodies and the alignment with the optimum self to stimulate total well being. Ajoite may also provide the proper reception frequency for the cellular structure of the body allowing for transmission of the message of perfection from the ethereal body. It is both a master healer and a medium for access to higher worlds.

Colour: white quartz with green (caused by copper silicate mineral)
Zodiac: Virgo
Energies: Healing
Element: none noted
Chakra: Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra


Almanac For Monday 16 September 2013 (Moon)

Monday 16 September 2013 (Moon)

Moon – waxing – 94% visible. Moon is in Aquarius

Lunar Day 12

Different traditions disagree about this day but overall, it is thought to be rather negative. It isn’t advisable to undertake anything important, but if you have promised something to someone, make sure you keep your word. Medical treatment is not advisable on this day, especially if it involves surgery..


The twelvth day is substantially unhappy and unsuccessful. One should not undertake or or start anything as it will be all in vain and will bring only losses. It is crucially important to beware blood!

A child born on this day will consequently become lame – either as a result of a congenital physical problem or after an illness. Illnesses that happen on this day can become fatal. Almost all dreams will be fulfilled.


Symbol – a bowl. Day of connection to the cosmic energy of love, divine revelations, purification of thoughts, fulfillment of prayers, comfort, the victory of wisdom over the mind and senses. It is good to show mercy: make gifts, give alms, satisfy requests.

It is contraindicated to get angry, to relax and cry, to eat coarse food (better – juices, except of the apple juice). Broken dishes and spilled liquid are signs of suffering and loneliness.

Moon Void-of-Course: Begins at 09:19 BST
Ends at 14:57 BST on 17 September 2013
*US and Canada (with exception to New Brunswick, which will subtract 4 hours from the times given above) please subtract 5 hours from above times on east coast and successive time zones will subtract an extra hour(+5) according to time zone you’re in

Sunrise: 06:38 BST; Sunset: 19:10 BST

U.S. and Canada:
Sunrise: 07:09 DST; Sunset: 19:29 DST (add one hour for New Brunswick, Canada) – these are East coast times. Please look in your daily newspaper or online for the times where you are located in the US and Canada. It would be quite impossible to fit them all here, sorry

The planetary hours will begin with Moon for the first hour, 2. Saturn, 3. Jupiter, 4. Mars, 5. Sun, 6. Venus, 7. Mercury, 8. Moon, 9. Saturn, 10. Jupiter, 11. Mars, 12. Sun

In order to figure the planetary hours exactly, figure out the total hours between Sunrise and Sunset (in your time zone), then convert into minutes. Divide by 12 and this will be the exact planetary hour time for each. Remember to accurately figure the sunrise and sunset for your time zone first.