The Crystal of the Day for Monday 9 December 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Monday 9 December 2013 is Cacoxenite and is associated with the Moon.  Cacoxenite forms within crystal or amethyst as an inclusion. It is a rather rare occurance, and can create a visually spectacular stone. This cacoxenite has inclusions of Quartz, Hematite, Strengite, Beraunite, Rockbridgeite, Limonite, and Amethyst.

Cacoxenite can be used to assist in one’s spiritual evolution, cleansing and alignment with the Divine. This crystal is often used during a new or full moon to bring a healing, loving energy. It expands consciousness, aligns the third chakra with the divine, used for world meditation to increase spiritual awareness, assists in emotional upheaval, cleanses one of negative attachments.

Cacoxenite is used by healers to alleviate stomach or digestive problems, and support the thyroid.

Planet:  Moon
Colour:  brown, yellow, and purple
Element:  Wind
Chakra:  Solar Plexus Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra
Energies:  Healing, Power