The Crystal of the Day for Wednesday 16 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Wednesday 16 October 2013 is Katanganite. Katanganite is a variety of Plancheite, and as such it has the energies of Plancheite as well as its own. It is said to raise vibrations and bring energy and power. Katanganite is a schist, a coarse-grained metamorphic rock that consists of layers of different minerals and can be split into thin irregular plates and it is found in Zambia, as a layer of covering – or schist – over Emerald mines there.

Katanganite is used mystically for design, development, fame, strength and courage. Strength and courage is especially seen during stressful times and situations. Katanganite is a stone of protection from negative energies.

Katanganite is a highly psychic stone used especially for clairvoyance, clairaudience, astrology, and automatic writing, as well as finding and working with Spirit Guides. It is said to help bring positive energy from the planets as they move through the Houses of astrology..

Katanganite is used for meditation and visualisation. In crystal healing it’s used for tonsilitis, throat cancer and illnesses of the throat, and coagulation of the blood.

Energies: Energy, clairvoyance, healing, protection
Chakras: Throat Chakra