The Crystal of the Day for Friday 11 October 2013


The Crystal of the Day for Friday 11 October 2013 is the Infinite Stone. “Infinite” is a tradename for a variety of green Serpentine (a mixture of Serpentine and Chrysotile) found in South Africa. Its energies are believed to be superior to those of other Serpentines and it has come to be known as the “Healer’s Stone”.

The Infinite Stone re-patterns the auric field, increases the potency of reiki and other energetic healing methods; activates kundalini energy and provides a nurturing energy from the Base Chakra to the Heart Chakra.

Infinite stone is a powerful Earth element stone that renews energy and aligns ones energy with the Earth. Use a small piece of Infinite as a worry stone, and you can put a larger piece next to or under your pillow for more restful sleep. You may also try using extra large pieces as massage tools.

The unique energy of Infinite works on all levels of the self. It stimulates physical, emotional and spiritual healing and makes an excellent tool for the healing of loss, separation and betrayal. It is a beneficial grief stone. This stone also aids in the connection to the Angelic realms.

Colour: dark green to light green and many shades in between
Energies: Power, Protection, Healing, Love
Element: Earth
Chakras: Root, Sacral Hara, Solar Plexus, Heart